With summer quickly approaching, children will soon be out of school and on to the pool, the beach, and vacation. But students can move backward academically during the summer if reading and learning are not continued. Reading achievement declines as well. On the other hand, if students read just six books over the summer, they can maintain their current reading level, and if they read between ten and twenty books of their own choosing, they can actually increase reading achievement. Who needs a better reason to sign up for Summer Reading at Bernardsville Public Library? Dream Big!
This year, the Library’s Youth Services Department is offering a reading program for children through twelfth grade. Students will pledge to read a specific number of books through the summer. For their reading, they will be rewarded by local sponsors such as Buona Pizza, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Friendly's, Rita's Italian Ice of Berkeley Heights, Stony Hill Gardens, and more!
In addition to reading and prizes, the Library will host a number of programs, all with free admission, to highlight the theme of the summer, “Dream Big.” From an indoor planetarium to learning the tricks and secrets of a Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), this summer will be filled with programs for all ages. Middle and high schoolers will be able to earn community service hours in a book buddy reading program.
Online sign-ups for Summer Reading begin Monday, June 18 and there will be a kick-off program, “Nocturnal by Nature” presented by “Eyes of the Wild,” on Thursday, June 21 at 6:30 pm. This family event will explore the world of nocturnal and crepuscular animals with live specimens on display. Children who arrive showing that they have already registered online for Summer Reading will get a free cupcake.
Other programs to be offered will be a craft program, “Buggalicious Treats” for children ages five to nine on Monday, June 25 at 5:00 pm and “Owls of New Jersey” presented by the New Jersey Audubon Society on Family Night, Wednesday, June 27 at 6:30 pm. An owl craft program for youngsters aged 2-1/2 to 5 years, will take place on Thursday, June 28 at 10:30 am. Check the library website, www.bernardsvillelibrary.org, and the upcoming newsletter for program details in July and August.
Registration for Summer Reading will be open all summer and can be accessed online from the library website. Young readers will keep a log of their reading online. [Accommodations will be made for anyone without access to a computer.] There is no charge to attend the programs, but advance sign-up is sometimes required. Register online at www.bernardsvillelibrary.org and follow the link under Kid Stuff, or call the library at 908-766-0118 to sign up.