The official kick-off will be on Wednesday, October 8 at 7:00 pm with guest speaker will be Bob Sickley who through-hiked the Appalachian Trail in two long sections in 1997 and 1998. A 1978 graduate of Bernards High School, he has been an avid hiker and backpacker for more than thirty years. He currently works at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), focusing on treadway programs and projects in ATC's Mid-Atlantic region, i.e. from the New York/Connecticut border to the southern end of Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
Among the other programs scheduled are a program on camping equipment, a walk led by naturalist Christa Wood in Lord Stirling Park, one at the Sherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary focusing on our local birds of prey, and another on the portion of the Appalachian Trail that actually runs through New Jersey. All three of the library’s book groups will be discussing "A Walk in the Woods" as well, and it's not too late for local book groups to call the library and sign up to have a library staff member lead their discussions.
“This book has broad appeal for its humor as well as its information on hiking, geology, plant life and animal life, making it the perfect choice for our first 'One Book' selection,” said April L. Judge, Library Director. The library has books for individual participants or members of local book clubs to borrow. Books are also available for purchase at The Bookworm.
Detailed information on all the events is available at, or call the library at 908-766-0118. All the programs are free. To sign up for the kick-off event on October 8 or the other programs, go to or call 908-766-0118.