Reading fifty books in fifty-two weeks may seem daunting, but share the goal with a supportive group and it can be a lot of fun. Community members are invited to come to the next meeting of the 50 Book Challenge on Saturday, January 12 at 3:00 pm in the library’s Community Room. At the meeting, which will include animated discussion, reading suggestions and snacks, ambitious readers will trade notes on their progress as well as book recommendations. New members are welcome at any time during the year and will be invited to additional events in the coming months.
The fifty books in fifty weeks are suggested, not required, for participation in the program. Each reader will choose which reading “counts” as part of the total. There are no limitations as to which formats can be read: downloaded books, audio books, e-books and graphic novels are all acceptable.
For more information and resources for the 50 Book Challenge, go to the library's homepage,, and click on Adult Programs and then Book Discussions and 50 Book Challenge. You can sign up from this webpage or by calling the library at 908-766-0118.